BuxMont DSA

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Recording Secretaries (2)

The Secretaries will be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date membership list of the Local Branch from the Local Chapter. They will ensure effective communication with the Philadelphia DSA Chapter and National DSA. They will temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Co-Chair, if neither Co-Chair is able to do so. The Secretaries will be responsible also for the taking of minutes of all Local and Steering Committee Meetings and will have custody of these minutes, and the resolutions, reports and other official records of the Local. They will transfer official records in good condition to their successors. Official records will include meeting minutes and member lists. The Secretary is responsible for creating agendas for General and Steering Committee meetings. The Secretary is responsible for keeping membership data secure, including auditing Slack membership with the Media and Communications Chair. The Recording Secretaries will work as a team to divide these tasks and responsibilities in whatever manner they see fit.