We are Democratic Socialists,
inclusive of many leftist tendencies.
We are an official branch of the Philly DSA, located in the Philadelphia suburbs across Bucks and Montgomery Counties. You can also check out Delco DSA for our comrades in Delaware County.
We welcome all people and strive to keep events accessible for disabled members of our community.
We host meetings and events every month to plan and pursue our goals:
Anti-privatization efforts
Medicare For All campaigns
Immigration justice
Anti-racism & anti-fascism
Environmental education
Cultural events
In 2022 and beyond
Community Gardens
Action for Racial Justice
LGBTQ+ and Gender Justice
Medicare for All
Working Class Solidarity
What we’re fighting for
Healthcare is a Human Right
We are resolute in our assertion that health care is a human right; everyone deserves to recieve premium health care, not just have “access” to care. We believe that the profit motive has no place in a just healthcare system.
Racial, Immigrant & LGBTQ+ Justice
We recognize the abysmal history of injustice that America has with minority groups of all kinds; we full-heartedly demand and support efforts (both restitutional and preventative) to correct these crimes.
Civic & Workplace Democracy
We believe that our elections should be as democratic as possible, but also that our workplaces should be as well. This means both taking action to expand voter enfranchisement, and making work owned and operated by its workers—not by a far-removed board of executives.
Political Education
We believe that a critical part of building socialism, is building a strong base of politically well-educated people. Find out how we’re expanding political education in the suburbs!
We recognize that so much world suffering is caused by Imperialist conquest that seeks to steal the resources and the autonomy of poor and indigenous populations. We stand resolutely against such capitalistic exploits.
We believe that the land, water and air must all be publicly owned, and must be protected against capitalist exploitation. Find out how BuxMont is working to ensure & expand such protections!
Steering Committee
Our executive body—the Steering Committee—administers the affairs of BuxMont DSA and oversees the implementation of the decisions made by our general body and membership. Steering Committee members serve one (1) year terms, and are elected each August at our annual branch Convention.
As of our August Convention we have been operating without a Steering Committee. Inquiries about helping administrate the Branch can be made to buxmontsoc@gmail.com.
Co-Chairs: Vacant
Recording Secretary: Vacant
Communications Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
If you live or work in Bucks or Montgomery Counties, PA,
join us in solidarity with our working class community.