Officers and Terms

The officers of the Local Branch will be two Co-Chairs, two Secretaries, a Treasurer, a Media and Communications Coordinator, and a Resource Manager. The term of office will be one year, and will run from September through August or until their successors are elected. The officers may not all be of the same gender. Officers must be BuxMont DSA members: (1) They are currently dues-paying members of, or have received an official dues waiver from, the national organization of The Democratic Socialists of America. Individuals may not be members of the Local Chapter without being members of national DSA.; (2) They are listed as being in Good Standing with the organization, both nationally and locally; (3) They reside or work within either Montgomery or Bucks Counties, Pennsylvania; (4) A DSA member who lives in a bordering county of Montgomery and Bucks counties who wishes to be a member of BuxMont DSA may become a member upon the receipt of a formal letter of intention to the Steering Committee; (5) They adhere to the political principles, aims, and values as they are stated in the governing standards and rules of the Local and national.


2022 General Meeting Minutes

